Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Emily and Rich!

Two years ago today we were at the most beautiful wedding ever at Lionscrest Manor in Lyons Colorado.  Yep, it was Em & Rich’s wedding and it went off without a hitch. The weather was ideal, the ceremony was elegant, the food was delicious and the reception/dance was rousing. 

June, 2009, was a wet one with lots of rain.  We hosted a picnic on the Friday evening prior to the Sunday wedding and were more than a little worried that we’d need to move it from a back yard picnic to a garage gathering.  It had rained for many days but that Friday the clouds parted and it was a sunny, warm evening.  We had tables in the back yard and the 45 – 50 guests enjoyed a delightful picnic.  Saturday was another glorious day and the rehearsal dinner at a park in Boulder was a great setting.  Sunday was dry all day and the sun was brightly shinning in Rich’s face during the ceremony.

This is my first attempt at posting photos to accommodate my words – note the great photos from that terrific day, two years ago.  Congratulations, Em and Rich!


  1. Happy Anniversary, Emily and Rich! :)

  2. Thanks for your posting in our honor! It's great to think back on that beautiful day!
